Important Track and Field Dates
By Trevor Viergutz, 05/05/15, 10:30AM CST
The following dates and deadlines are very important for the 2015 Track and Field season. Please review the deadlines for Hytek entries and the Zone meet information that pertains to your school.
- May 11th HYTEK Entries due for 3000m
- May 12th SE zone 3000m Kipling @ 5:00 pm
- May 14th Central zone 3000m @ Douglas Park 6:30 pm
- May 15th all HYTEK entries due
- May 19th NW Zone 3000m @ Cupar 5:00 pm
- May 20th SE Zone @ Douglas Park ( Trevor Viergutz)
- May 21st NW Zone @ Douglas Park ( Eric Gyug)
- May 22nd Central Zone @ Douglas Park (Don Morrison)
- May 26th QVDA 3000 m @ Douglas Park 6:00 pm
- May 29th QVDA T/ F Districts @ Douglas Park
- May 30th RAIN OUT day ( hopefully not needed)