Updated Dates
May 12th – District 3000m @ 3:30pm at Douglas Park [There will not be a zone 3000]
- We were not able to secure Douglas Park in the evening during the week of Districts
- Instead of having three zone 3000m competitions all athletes will advance to the District 3000m
- The top two from this event will advance to Provincials
- Peewees don’t advance to Districts but can compete at this event since there will be no Zone 3000m
May 16th – Central Zone Meet @ 9:30am
May 20th – Northwest and Southeast Zone Meet @ 10:15am
May 27th – District Track Meet @ 10:15am
District Rainout Plan
May 27th – 9am – 1pm
May 28th – 2pm – 6pm
- Our District Meet on May 27th is contingent on Regina not using their rainout day. In the event they use their rain out day we will have to run our District Meet in two half days to complete it.
ENTRIES MUST BE IN TO Scott Goertzen at Broadview School (scott.goertzen@pvsd.ca) by:
- Wednesday, May 11th by 3:20pm for 3000m entries
- Thursday, May 12th by 3:20pm for all other events.